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Ecobank Nigeria Customer Care: Phone Number, Email, and Live Chat

Ecobank Nigeria Customer Care: Phone Number, Email, and Live Chat

Ecobank Nigeria is committed to providing top-notch customer service to meet all your banking needs.

Whether you have questions about your account, need assistance with transactions, or require general banking support, Ecobank offers several convenient ways to get in touch.

Ecobank Nigeria Customer Care Contact Information for Customer Support

For any banking inquiries or support, you can reach out to Ecobank Nigeria through the following contact details:

Ecobank Nigeria Customer Care Phone Support

For immediate assistance, you can call Ecobank Nigeria’s customer care at:

– Phone: +234 1 277 2904

Phone support is ideal for urgent queries or if you prefer speaking directly with a customer service representative.

Ecobank Nigeria Customer Care Email Support

For non-urgent inquiries or detailed explanations, you can send an email to:

– Email: ecobankenquiries@ecobank.com

Email support allows you to describe your issues in detail and is suitable for sending documents or lengthy messages.

Ecobank Nigeria Customer Care Live Chat Support

For real-time online assistance, Ecobank Nigeria provides a live chat feature accessible via the following link:

– Live Chat: https://ecobank.com/ng/personal-banking/contact-us

The live chat service offers immediate responses to your questions and is a convenient option for those who prefer online communication.


Ecobank Nigeria ensures that its customers have access to various support channels, making it easy to get the help you need promptly.

Whether you prefer to call, email, or chat online, Ecobank Nigeria’s customer care team is ready to assist you with all your banking needs.

CitiBank Nigeria Customer Care number and Email

List of CitiBank Nigeria Customer Care Phone Numbers and Email addresses.

CitiBank Nigeria is committed to delivering exceptional service and support to its customers.

Whether you have inquiries regarding your account, need assistance with banking services, or have any other concerns, CitiBank Nigeria offers several ways to get in touch with their customer care team.

CitiBank Contact Information for Customer Support

For any questions or support needs, you can reach CitiBank Nigeria customer care through the following phone numbers and email address:

CitiBank Nigeria customer care Public Affairs Office

– Phone: +234 1 279 8400
– Phone: +234 1 463 8400
– Email: publicaffairs.nigeria@citi.com

The Public Affairs Office is available to address general inquiries and provide assistance with various banking issues.

CitiBank Nigeria Customer Care Head Office

For direct communication with CitiBank Nigeria’s Head Office, you can use the following contact details:

– Address: Charles S. Sankey House, 27 Kofo Abayomi Street, Victoria Island, Lagos
– Telephone: +234 1 279 8400 or +234 1 463 8400
– Facsimile: +234 1 270 1191

The Head Office can assist with more specific or complex banking needs and inquiries.


CitiBank Nigeria provides multiple avenues for customer support, ensuring that assistance is always within reach.

Whether you choose to call, email, or visit the Head Office, CitiBank Nigeria customer care team is ready to help you with all your banking needs.

Access Bank Customer Support: Phone Numbers, Email, and Social Media

Access Bank Customer Support: Phone Numbers, Email, and Social Media

Access Bank is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service to its clients.

Whether you need assistance with account issues, mobile pin activation, or any other banking queries, Access Bank offers multiple channels to help you get the support you need promptly.

Access Bank Phone Numbers for Customer Care

For immediate assistance, you can reach out to Access Bank customer support through the following phone numbers:

– General Inquiries: +234 1-2712005-7, +234 1-2802500, 07003000000
– Mobile Pin Activation: 01-2273007

These lines are available to help you with various banking issues, from account management to transaction queries.

Access Bank Email Support

If you prefer to send an email, you can reach the Access Bank customer support team at:

Email: contactcenter@accessbankplc.com

Email support is a convenient option for non-urgent inquiries or if you need to send documents or detailed explanations of your issues.

Access Bank Live Chat Support

For real-time assistance, Access Bank offers a live chat feature. You can access the live chat via the following link:

Live Chat: livechat.accessbankplc.com/code/webchatlogin.php


The live chat service provides immediate responses to your queries and is an excellent option for those who prefer online communication.


Access Bank ensures that its customers have access to various support channels, making it easier to get help whenever needed.

Whether you prefer to call, email, or chat online, Access Bank customer support team is ready to assist you with your banking needs.

List of Nigerian Banks USSD Codes

यहां आपके बैंकिंग लेनदेन को सरल बनाने के लिए नाइजीरियाई बैंकों यूएसएसडी कोड की पूरी सूची दी गई है।
नाइजीरिया के बैंकों यूएसएसडी कोड ने बैंकिंग में क्रांति ला दी है, जिससे इंटरनेट कनेक्शन के बिना विभिन्न वित्तीय लेनदेन करना संभव हो गया है।
यहां प्रमुख बैंकों के लिए नाइजीरियाई बैंकों यूएसएसडी कोड की एक व्यापक सूची दी गई है, यह सुनिश्चित करते हुए कि आप कभी भी, कहीं भी बैंकिंग सेवाओं तक पहुंच सकते हैं।
1.। एक्सेस बैंक * 901
नाइजीरियाई बैंकों यूएसएसडी कोड की मेरी सूची में पहला एक्सेस बैंक का यूएसएसडी कोड है, * 901 #, आपको अपने बैलेंस की जांच करने, फंड ट्रांसफर करने, बिलों का भुगतान करने और बहुत कुछ करने की अनुमति देता है। यह एक बहुमुखी सेवा है जो अपने ग्राहकों के लिए बैंकिंग को सरल बनाती है।
2.। ALAT बैंक * 945
वेमा बैंक द्वारा ALAT यूएसएसडी कोड * 945 # का उपयोग करता है।
यह सेवा कई बैंकिंग कार्यों तक त्वरित पहुंच प्रदान करती है, जिसमें एयरटाइम टॉप-अप, ट्रांसफर और बैलेंस चेक शामिल हैं।
3। इकोबैंक * 326
इकोबैंक की यूएसएसडी सेवा * 326 # के माध्यम से सुलभ है।
यह फंड ट्रांसफर, बिल भुगतान और एयरटाइम खरीद जैसे विभिन्न लेनदेन करने का एक सहज तरीका प्रदान करता है।
4। एफसीएमबी * 329
पहला सिटी स्मारक बैंक (FCMB) * 329 # के माध्यम से USSD बैंकिंग प्रदान करता है।
यह कोड ग्राहकों को अपने खातों का प्रबंधन करने, टॉप-अप एयरटाइम, बिलों का भुगतान करने और आसानी से पैसे स्थानांतरित करने की अनुमति देता है।
5.। निष्ठा बैंक * 770
फिडेलिटी बैंक का यूएसएसडी कोड, * 770 #, बैंकिंग लेनदेन करने का एक सुविधाजनक तरीका प्रदान करता है, जिसमें बैलेंस चेक करना, फंड ट्रांसफर करना, बिल का भुगतान करना और एयरटाइम खरीदना शामिल है।
6। पहला बैंक * 894
पहले बैंक की यूएसएसडी सेवा को * 894 # का उपयोग करके एक्सेस किया जा सकता है।
यह ग्राहकों को अपने खाते की शेष राशि की जांच करने, धन हस्तांतरण, एयरटाइम रिचार्ज करने और बिलों का सहजता से भुगतान करने में सक्षम बनाता है।
7.। जीटीबैंक * 737
गारंटी ट्रस्ट बैंक (GTBank) अपनी USSD बैंकिंग सेवा के लिए * 737 # का उपयोग करता है।
यह कोड विभिन्न बैंकिंग संचालन करने का एक त्वरित और आसान तरीका प्रदान करता है, जैसे कि स्थानान्तरण, एयरटाइम टॉप-अप और बैलेंस चेक।
8। हेरिटेज बैंक * 745
हेरिटेज बैंक * 745 # के माध्यम से यूएसएसडी बैंकिंग प्रदान करता है।
ग्राहक इस सेवा का उपयोग अपने खातों का प्रबंधन करने, धन हस्तांतरित करने, बिलों का भुगतान करने और बहुत कुछ करने के लिए कर सकते हैं।
9। कीस्टोन बैंक * 7111
कीस्टोन बैंक का यूएसएसडी कोड * 7111 # है।
यह सेवा ग्राहकों को शेष राशि की जांच करने, धन हस्तांतरण करने, एयरटाइम खरीदने और अन्य बैंकिंग लेनदेन को आसानी से करने की अनुमति देती है।
10। पोलारिस बैंक * 833
पोलारिस बैंक के यूएसएसडी बैंकिंग को * 833 # के माध्यम से एक्सेस किया जा सकता है।
यह विभिन्न बैंकिंग जरूरतों को संभालने का एक सुविधाजनक तरीका प्रदान करता है, जिसमें फंड ट्रांसफर, बैलेंस पूछताछ और बिल भुगतान शामिल हैं।
आशा है कि आप नाइजीरियाई बैंकों यूएसएसडी कोड की सूची पढ़ने का आनंद ले रहे हैं? अपनी टिप्पणियों को छोड़ना न भूलें।
11। स्टैनबिक IBTC बैंक * 909
स्टैनबिक आईबीटीसी बैंक * 909 # के माध्यम से यूएसएसडी बैंकिंग प्रदान करता है।
यह सेवा ग्राहकों को अपने खातों का प्रबंधन करने, बिलों का भुगतान करने, एयरटाइम खरीदने और धन को जल्दी और सुरक्षित रूप से स्थानांतरित करने में सक्षम बनाती है।
12। स्टर्लिंग बैंक * 822
स्टर्लिंग बैंक का यूएसएसडी कोड, * 822 #, बैंकिंग लेनदेन करने का एक विश्वसनीय तरीका प्रदान करता है, जैसे कि बैलेंस चेक करना, पैसे ट्रांसफर करना और एयरटाइम रिचार्ज करना।
13. UBA *919#
यूनाइटेड बैंक फॉर अफ्रीका (UBA) अपनी USSD बैंकिंग सेवा के लिए * 919 # का उपयोग करता है।
यह कोड ग्राहकों को बैलेंस चेक, फंड ट्रांसफर और बिल भुगतान सहित विभिन्न बैंकिंग कार्यों तक पहुंचने की अनुमति देता है।
14। यूनियन बैंक * 826
यूनियन बैंक * 826 # के माध्यम से यूएसएसडी बैंकिंग प्रदान करता है।
यह सेवा ग्राहकों को अपने खातों का प्रबंधन करने, बिलों का भुगतान करने, धन हस्तांतरण करने और आसानी से एयरटाइम रिचार्ज करने में सक्षम बनाती है।
15 एकता बैंक * 7799
एकता बैंक का यूएसएसडी कोड * 7799 # है। यह कोड बैंकिंग लेनदेन का संचालन करने का एक सुविधाजनक तरीका प्रदान करता है, जैसे कि शेष राशि की जांच करना, धन स्थानांतरित करना और एयरटाइम खरीदना।
16। वेमा बैंक * 945
वेमा बैंक की यूएसएसडी बैंकिंग सेवा * 945 # के माध्यम से सुलभ है। यह सेवा ग्राहकों को बैलेंस पूछताछ, फंड ट्रांसफर और बिल भुगतान सहित विभिन्न बैंकिंग कार्यों को संभालने की अनुमति देती है।
17। जेनिथ बैंक * 966
जेनिथ बैंक का यूएसएसडी कोड, * 966 #, आपके बैंक खाते को प्रबंधित करने, बिलों का भुगतान करने, पैसे स्थानांतरित करने और शेष राशि की जांच करने का एक सहज तरीका प्रदान करता है। यह एक व्यापक सेवा है जिसे अपने ग्राहकों के लिए बैंकिंग को सरल बनाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है।
नाइजीरियाई बैंकों यूएसएसडी कोड ने बैंकिंग को अधिक सुलभ और सुविधाजनक बना दिया है।
चाहे आपको अपने बैलेंस की जांच करने, फंड ट्रांसफर करने या बिलों का भुगतान करने की आवश्यकता हो, ये कोड आपको कभी भी और कहीं भी सहजता से अपने वित्त का प्रबंधन करने की अनुमति देते हैं।
त्वरित संदर्भ के लिए इन कोड को सहेजें और अपने पसंदीदा नाइजीरियाई बैंक के साथ यूएसएसडी बैंकिंग की आसानी का अनुभव करें।

Access Bank USSD codes

Here is the full list of Access Bank USSD Codes (*901#) to streamlining Your Banking Experience.

Access Bank provides a comprehensive USSD banking service that simplifies financial transactions.

By dialing *901#, you can perform a variety of banking operations without the need for internet connectivity.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to use Access Bank USSD codes for different services.

Codes for Airtime Top-Up for Self *901*Amount#

Recharging your own phone is quick and easy with Access Bank’s USSD service.

Dial *901*Amount# to top up your mobile line with the desired amount.

This service is perfect for ensuring you are always connected, especially in urgent situations.

Codes for Airtime Top-Up for Others *901*Amount*Phone Number#

Sending airtime to friends and family is simple with Access Bank USSD codes.

To recharge any mobile number, dial *901*Amount*Phone Number#.

This feature ensures that you can keep your loved ones connected whenever they need it.

Access Bank USSD codes to Deactivate Account *901*911#

In case of a lost or stolen phone, it’s crucial to secure your bank account immediately.

You can deactivate your Access Bank account by dialing *901*911#.

This action helps protect your account from unauthorized access and potential fraud.

Access Bank USSD codes to Pay Bills *901*3#

Paying bills is convenient with Access Bank’s USSD service.

Dial *901*3# and follow the prompts to pay various bills, including utility bills, TV subscriptions, and more.

This feature ensures that you can settle your bills without the hassle of visiting payment centers or using internet banking.

USSD Code for Transfer to Other Banks *901*2*AMOUNT*NUBAN Account Number#

Sending money to accounts in other banks is straightforward with Access Bank’s USSD service.

Dial *901*2*AMOUNT*NUBAN Account Number# and follow the prompts to transfer funds.

This feature ensures that you can send money to anyone, anywhere, at any time, making interbank transfers convenient and hassle-free.

Codes for Transfer to Access Account *901*1*AMOUNT*NUBAN Account Number#

Transferring money to another Access Bank account is quick and easy.

Dial *901*1*AMOUNT*NUBAN Account Number# and follow the prompts to complete your transfer.

This service allows you to send money to other Access Bank customers seamlessly, ensuring efficient transactions within the bank.

Access Bank USSD codes to Check Balance *901*00#

Keeping track of your account balance is essential for effective financial management.

To check your balance, dial *901*00#.

Your current balance will be displayed on your screen, giving you instant access to your financial status and helping you manage your finances better.

USSD Code for Account Opening/PIN Change/Registration *901*0#

Access Bank makes it easy to open a new account, change your PIN, or register for USSD banking.

Dial *901*0# and follow the prompts to complete these actions.

This service ensures that you can manage your banking details and access new services effortlessly.


Access Bank USSD codes provide a reliable and convenient way to manage your banking needs.

From airtime top-ups and bill payments to balance checks and funds transfers, these services are designed to make banking easier for you.

Dial *901# today and experience the convenience of Access Bank’s USSD banking services.

ALAT Bank USSD codes

Here is the full list of ALAT Bank USSD Codes (*945#) your  Guide to Effortless Banking.

ALAT by Wema Bank offers a user-friendly USSD banking service that makes financial transactions convenient and quick.

By dialing *945#, you can access various banking services without needing an internet connection.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to use ALAT Bank USSD codes for different operations.

USSD Codes for Airtime Top-Up for Others *945*phone Number*Amount#

Recharging airtime for friends and family is simple with ALAT Bank’s USSD service.

To send airtime to any mobile number, dial *945*phone Number*Amount#.

This feature ensures that you can keep your loved ones connected at any time, providing a quick and easy way to share airtime.

USSD Codes for Airtime Top-Up for Self *945*Amount#

Topping up your own phone is straightforward.

Dial *945*Amount# to recharge your mobile line with the desired amount.

This service ensures that you are always connected, making it ideal for those moments when you need to quickly add credit to your phone.

ALAT Bank USSD codes to Check Balance *945*0#

Monitoring your account balance is crucial for managing your finances effectively.

To check your balance, dial *945*0#.

Your current account balance will be displayed on your screen, giving you instant access to your financial status and helping you keep track of your spending.

USSD Code for Transfer to ALAT Account *945*Account Number*Amount#

Transferring money to another ALAT account is quick and easy.

Dial *945*Account Number*Amount# and follow the prompts to complete your transfer.

This service allows you to send money to other ALAT Bank customers seamlessly, ensuring efficient transactions within the bank.

USSD Codes for Transfer to Other Banks *945*Account Number*Amount#

Sending money to accounts in other banks is also hassle-free with ALAT Bank’s USSD service.

Dial *945*Account Number*Amount# and follow the prompts to transfer funds.

This feature ensures that you can send money to anyone, anywhere, at any time, making interbank transfers convenient and straightforward.


ALAT Bank USSD codes provide a reliable and convenient way to manage your banking needs.

From airtime top-ups and balance checks to funds transfers, these services are designed to make banking easier for you.

Dial *945# today and experience the convenience of ALAT Bank’s USSD banking services.l

Ecobank USSD Codes

Get the complete list of Ecobank USSD Codes (*326#) to Simplify Your Banking Experience now!

Ecobank offers a comprehensive suite of USSD banking services that make financial transactions easy and accessible.

With the USSD code *326#, you can perform a variety of banking operations without needing internet connectivity.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to use Ecobank USSD codes for different services.

USSD Code for Airtime Top-Up for Others *326*Amount*PhoneNumber#

Sending airtime to friends and family is simple with Ecobank’s USSD service.

To recharge any mobile number, dial *326*Amount*PhoneNumber#.

This feature ensures that you can keep your loved ones connected whenever they need it, providing a convenient way to share airtime.

USSD Codes for Airtime Top-Up for Self *326*Amount#

Recharging your own phone is quick and straightforward. Dial *326*Amount# to top up your mobile line with the desired amount.

This service is perfect for ensuring you are always connected, especially in urgent situations.

Ecobank USSD Codes to Check Balance *326*0#

Keeping track of your account balance is essential for effective financial management.

To check your balance, dial *326*0#. Your current balance will be displayed on your screen, giving you instant access to your financial status and helping you manage your finances better.

Ecobank USSD Codes to Pay Bills *326#

Paying bills is convenient with Ecobank’s USSD service.

Dial *326# and follow the prompts to pay various bills, including utility bills, TV subscriptions, and more.

This feature ensures that you can settle your bills without the hassle of visiting payment centers or using internet banking.

USSD Code for Transfer to Ecobank Account *326#

Transferring money to another Ecobank account is quick and easy.

Dial *326# and follow the prompts to transfer funds.

This service allows you to send money to other Ecobank customers seamlessly, ensuring quick and efficient transactions within the Ecobank network.

Ecobank USSD codes for Transfer to Other Banks *326#

Sending money to accounts in other banks is also straightforward with Ecobank USSD codes.

Dial *326# and follow the prompts to transfer funds to other banks.

This feature ensures that you can send money to anyone, anywhere, at any time, making interbank transfers convenient and hassle-free.


Ecobank USSD codes provide a reliable and convenient way to manage your banking needs.

From airtime top-ups and balance checks to bill payments and funds transfers, these services are designed to make banking easier for you.

Dial *326# today and experience the convenience of Ecobank’s USSD banking services.

Fidelity Bank USSD Codes

Here is the complete list of Fidelity Bank USSD Codes (*770#): Your Guide to Easy and Convenient Banking

Fidelity Bank offers a range of USSD banking services that make financial transactions quick and easy. By dialing *770#, you can access various banking operations without the need for internet connectivity.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to use Fidelity Bank USSD codes for different services.

Fidelity Bank USSD Codes for Airtime Top-Up for Others *770*PHONE*AMOUNT#

Sending airtime to friends and family is simple with Fidelity Bank’s USSD service.

Dial *770*PHONE*AMOUNT# to recharge any mobile number.

This feature ensures you can keep your loved ones connected whenever they need it.

Fidelity Bank USSD Codes for Airtime Top-Up for Self *770*AMOUNT#

Recharging your own phone is straightforward. Dial *770*AMOUNT# to top up your mobile line with the desired amount.

This service is perfect for ensuring you are always connected.

USSD Codes for ATM Cardless Withdrawal *770*8*AMOUNT#

Withdrawing cash from an ATM without your card is possible with Fidelity Bank’s USSD service.

Dial *770*8*AMOUNT# and follow the prompts to generate a withdrawal code.

This code can be used at any Fidelity Bank ATM to withdraw cash.

Codes to Block Account from USSD Banking *770*08012345678#

If you suspect unauthorized access to your account, you can block your account from USSD banking.

Dial *770*08012345678# to secure your account. This action helps protect your account from potential fraud.

Fidelity Bank USSD Codes to Block Card *770*911#

In the event of a lost or stolen card, it’s crucial to block it immediately.

Dial *770*911# to block your Fidelity Bank card.

This service ensures that your card cannot be used for unauthorized transactions.

Code to Block Phone from USSD Banking *770*911*08012345678#

To block your phone from accessing USSD banking, dial *770*911*08012345678#.

This action is useful if your phone is lost or stolen, helping to protect your banking information from unauthorized access.

Fidelity Bank USSD Codes to Change PIN *770*00#

If you need to change your USSD banking PIN, dial *770*00#.

Follow the prompts to set a new PIN, ensuring your transactions remain secure and accessible only to you.

Fidelity Bank USSD Codes to Check Balance *770*0#

Keeping track of your account balance is essential.

To check your balance, dial *770*0#. Your current balance will be displayed on your screen, providing you with instant information about your finances.

Fidelity Bank USSD Codes to Choose SMS and Email Alert *770*2#

Managing your alert preferences is easy with Fidelity Bank USSD codes.

Dial *770*2# to choose between SMS and email alerts for your account transactions.

This ensures you stay informed about your account activities in the way that suits you best.

Fidelity Bank USSD Codes to Pay Bills *770#

Paying bills is convenient with Fidelity Bank USSD codes.

Dial *770# and follow the prompts to pay various bills, including utility bills, TV subscriptions, and more.

This feature ensures you can settle your bills without hassle.

USSD Codes for Transfer to Fidelity Account *770*ACCOUNT*AMOUNT#

Transferring money to another Fidelity Bank account is quick and easy. Dial *770*ACCOUNT*AMOUNT# and follow the prompts to complete your transfer.

This service ensures you can send money to other Fidelity Bank customers seamlessly.

Codes for Transfer to Other Banks *770*ACCOUNT*AMOUNT#

Sending money to accounts in other banks is also straightforward.

Dial *770*ACCOUNT*AMOUNT# and follow the prompts to transfer funds.

This feature ensures you can send money to anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Fidelity Bank USSD Codes to Update BVN *770*02#

Updating your BVN (Bank Verification Number) is simple with Fidelity Bank’s USSD service.

Dial *770*02# and follow the prompts to update your BVN details. This ensures your banking information is always up to date.


Fidelity Bank’s USSD codes provide a reliable and convenient way to manage your banking needs.

From airtime top-ups and cardless withdrawals to bill payments, balance checks, and funds transfers, these services are designed to make banking easier for you.

Dial *770# today and experience the convenience of Fidelity Bank’s USSD banking services.


The full list of FCMB USSD Codes (*329#): Your Ultimate Guide to Convenient Banking

First City Monument Bank (FCMB) offers a range of USSD banking services designed to make financial transactions easier and more accessible.

By simply dialing *329#, customers can perform various banking operations without the need for internet connectivity. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to use FCMB USSD codes for your everyday banking needs.

Airtime Top-Up for Others *329*Amount*Mobile number#

Recharging airtime for friends and family is straightforward with FCMB’s USSD service. Dial *329*Amount*Mobile number# to send airtime to any mobile number.

This feature ensures that you can support your loved ones by keeping them connected at all times.

Airtime Top-Up for Self *329*Amount#

Topping up your own phone is quick and easy.

Simply dial *329*Amount# to recharge your mobile line with the desired amount.

This service is perfect for ensuring you are always connected, especially in urgent situations.

Block USSD Profile or Bank Account *329*911#

In case of a lost or stolen phone, it’s crucial to secure your bank account immediately.

You can block your USSD profile or bank account by dialing *329*911#.

This action helps protect your account from unauthorized access and potential fraud.

Code for Buying Data *329*1*Mobile Number#

Purchasing data bundles is seamless with FCMB’s USSD service. Dial *329*1*Mobile Number# to buy data for any mobile number.

This feature is handy for ensuring you or your loved ones stay connected to the internet without any interruptions.

FCMB USSD Codes to Check Balance *329*00#

Staying updated on your account balance is essential for effective financial management.

To check your account balance, dial *329*00#. Your current balance will be displayed on your screen, providing you with instant information about your finances.

Code to Pay Bills (DSTv/GOTv) *329*2*Amount*Smartcard Number#

Paying your DSTv or GOTv bills is convenient with FCMB’s USSD service. Dial *329*2*Amount*Smartcard Number# to settle your subscription.

This service ensures you can enjoy uninterrupted entertainment without the hassle of visiting a payment center.

USSD Code to Pay Electricity Bill *329*3*Amount*Meter No# or *329*3*Amount*AccountID#

You can easily pay your electricity bills using the FCMB USSD codes. Dial *329*3*Amount*Meter No# or *329*3*Amount*AccountID# to pay your electricity bill.

This service is available for both prepaid and postpaid electricity accounts, ensuring that you can keep your lights on without any stress.

FCMB USSD Codes to Reset PIN *329*0#

If you ever need to reset your USSD banking PIN, dial *329*0#.

This action will guide you through the process of setting a new PIN, ensuring that your transactions remain secure and accessible only to you.

Transfer to FCMB Account/Other Banks *329*Amount*Account number#

Transferring money to FCMB accounts or other banks is quick and easy with the USSD service. Dial *329*Amount*Account number# and follow the prompts to complete your transfer.

This feature ensures you can send money to anyone, anywhere, at any time, making financial transactions seamless and efficient.


FCMB’s USSD codes provide a reliable and convenient way to manage your banking needs.

From airtime top-ups and data purchases to bill payments, balance checks, and funds transfers, these services are designed to make banking easier for you.

Dial *329# today and experience the convenience of FCMB’s USSD banking services.

First Bank USSD Codes

Here is the full list of First Bank USSD Codes (*894#) for any form of transactions.

First Bank Nigeria provides a seamless and convenient way to perform banking transactions via USSD codes. The USSD code *894# offers a variety of services that can be accessed without the need for internet connectivity.

Here is a detailed guide on how to use these USSD codes for various banking needs.

First Bank USSD Codes for Account Opening *894*0#

Opening an account with First Bank has never been easier. Simply dial *894*0# on your mobile phone and follow the on-screen prompts to complete your account opening process.

This service allows you to open a new account without visiting a branch, making banking accessible and convenient.

USSD Codes for Airtime Recharge for Others *894*Amount*Phone Number#

You can easily recharge the phone number of a friend or family member using the USSD code.

To do this, dial *894*Amount*Phone Number# and your mobile network will be credited with the specified amount.

This feature ensures that you can help others stay connected at any time.

Code for Airtime Recharge for Self *894*Amount#

Recharging your own phone is quick and straightforward. Simply dial *894*Amount# to top up your mobile line with the desired amount.

This service saves you time and ensures you are always connected.

First Bank USSD Codes to Check Balance *894*00#

Keeping track of your account balance is crucial for effective financial management.

To check your balance, dial *894*00# and your current account balance will be displayed on your screen.

This instant service helps you stay updated on your financial status.

USSD Code to Deactivate Your Mobile Number *894*911#

In case of theft or loss of your mobile phone, it is important to secure your banking details immediately. You can deactivate your USSD banking by dialing *894*911#.

This will temporarily suspend the service on your number, protecting your account from unauthorized access.

First Bank USSD Codes for Mini-Statement *894*Account Number#

For a quick overview of your recent transactions, you can request a mini-statement by dialing *894*Account Number#.

This service provides you with the last few transactions on your account, helping you keep track of your spending and account activities.

First Bank USSD Codes to Register for USSD Banking *894*0

If you are not yet registered for First Bank’s USSD banking, you can easily sign up by dialing *894*0. Follow the prompts to register and start enjoying the convenience of banking on the go. This registration process is simple and can be completed within minutes.

Code to Transfer to First Bank/Other Bank Accounts *894*Amount*Account Number#

Transferring money to other First Bank accounts or to accounts in other banks is seamless with USSD banking.

To transfer funds, dial *894*Amount*Account Number# and follow the prompts to complete your transaction.

This service ensures that you can send money to anyone, anywhere, at any time.


First Bank’s USSD codes provide a reliable and convenient way to manage your banking needs.

With services ranging from account opening to airtime recharge, balance checking, and funds transfer, you can perform essential banking operations without visiting a branch or using the internet.

Dial *894# today and experience the ease of USSD banking with First Bank Nigeria.

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