Do you know that you can create free blog on blogger? With Google blogger platform you don’t have to buy hosting, SSL certificate, or even buy a domain because your new website will automatically be a subdomain with to know more about the good and bad of starting a blog with Google blogger read my post about Blogger pros and cons. In this article I have mentioned the most important things to know about Google blogger.
But despite these pros and cons there is nothing bad about starting a blog with blogger. However, if you need the best alternative platform we have also compared blogger and WordPress in this article about Blogger and WordPress pros and cons
But it is absolutely easy to create free blog on blogger. So even if there a the pros and cons don’t over look on it because every other platform has it’s pros and cons as well.
Read also
What is a Google blogger
Google blogger is a platform owned by Google. It was acquired and launch in 2003 from pyra labs.
It was offered for price from the beginning but when Google own it since then Google give it for free for everyone.
The Google blogger enables you to build a beautiful blog both private and public without paying for it which I will show you how to do it later in this article.
The works together with These are two different but relative terms most bloggers don’t know about.
But in a summary, is where you build your website and is where you host your website.
Just like the way you can build a website with WordPress and host it with bluehost or HostGator etc.
Since we have learned a little bit about the Google blogger let’s see how you can create free blog on blogger step by step.
Add this to your reading list! Blogger SEO: 11 tips to search engine optimize blogger blog
How to create free blog on blogger
Remember, you must have a Gmail account in order to start with If you don’t have one remember to create it then follow the below steps to creat free website with Google blogger.
Step 1
With your browser search for or go to
Step 2
Click the “create your blog”
Step 3
Choose a name for your blog.
Remember, this name is the title of your blog. Usually it should be relevant to your URL which will be needed in the next step and or should describe what you do in your new website or blog.
Step 4
Choose your blog URL.
In case of if you don’t know. URL is a universal resource locator or uniform resource locator. This is your website address I can say because it is use to locate where your website is and get it delivered to anyone who requested for it.
In blogger it usually look like this You can edit the yourdomain with your domain name but the is automatically generated for you and it is necessary for that is where you website is hosted. Don’t worry you can eliminate the blogspot later when you buy your own custom domain.
Now you are done just simply like that.
You will now be directed to your new blogger website but it will look empty. You can now start by choosing the right theme from the side bar and continue creating content for your blog.
Hope you enjoy this post on how to create free blog on blogger? Let me know how you feel on the comments.