In the Blogger default templates there are only few narrow options to add gadget on header. That is if you take the steps of editing your templates. Simultaneously, most of the custom or third party templates we use have limited options to add header gadgets, although some of them comes with header ads gadget. How to add header gadget on blogger
Therefore I will show you how to customize and add header gadgets on blogger or how to add gadget on header in few possible steps.
Most a times I like adding gadgets on header too. Because that is the location I prefer for my most important gadgets. Although, not all gadgets are appropriate in the header. But since it is obvious that, the first thing a visitor see on your blog is the header, then adding your top prioritized gadgets in the header is advantageous but avoid unnecessary gadgets that may not be appropriate.
Some of the reasons to add header gadgets on blogger may be:
- Advertisements
- Notice and announcement
- Giving credit
- Showing your pride
- Product links
- Sign-in/sign-up links
- Etc.
Read also how to find gadget ID on blogger
How to add header gadgets on blogger
Now to add gadget on header on blogger it is simply in two conditions which I will discuss here on this article.
- Adding gadget where there is add a gadget link on header section of your layout
- Where there is no add a gadget link on header section of your layout
How to add header gadgets where there is add a gadget link on header section of your layout
Go to and sign-in to your Blogger account and choose the blog you want to add header gadgets.
Then follow these instructions:
Go to sidebar >>layout >> find your header section >> click the add a gadget >> select your desired gadget >> configure gadget >>save.
Read also how to add gadgets within page on bloggerÂ
Adding header gadgets where there is no add a gadget link on header section of your layout
In this condition there is the one beautiful way out. Creating add a gadget on header section by editing your templates.
I will like you to permit me to explain these steps with clear examples and pictures to support it.
Step 1
Log-in to and choose the blog you want to add gadget on header from the drop down menu.
Step 2
Using the side bar menu navigate to “layout”
Step 3
Find the header section where you want to add the gadget.
I want to add gadget on header of my blog but there is no add a gadget link there. I will show you my layout with the screenshot below
Step 4
Now that there is no add a gadget on header section you need to create it.
Using the side bar menu navigate to “theme” and click the arrow beside “customize” like in the screenshot below
The small window will pop up with a list click on the”edit HTML” the HTML codes for your template will show up.
Step 5
In the HTML codes click on anywhere and search for your header gadget like “header” or “header1”. If you are not sure of it click on jump widgets and select header one. See it on this screenshot below
Now the HTML codes for the “Header1” selected gadget will appear.
Step 6
In the header gadgets codes find and edit the following using this screenshot below
Don’t worry I will explain it more closely.
The screenshot above has step 1,2and3 which are codes you need to edit. Let me explain them one after the other
In the figure 1 in this screenshot you will see [locked=”true”] edit it to [locked=”false”]
The brackets are not included
You will see [maxwidgets=”1″] edit it to [maxwidgets=”2″]
The brackets are not included
Note that the maxwidgets number depends on the number of widgets you want to add. This may be 1,2,3etc.
You will see [showaddelements=”false”] edit it to [showaddelements”true”]
The brackets are not included
Make sure that you didn’t add or omit anything elsewhere in the codes. You can confirm it by previewing your blog by clicking “preview” or the eye symbol above the HTML codes beside the jump widgets. When the preview is successful then save your template. If it isn’t successful revert your changes and try the steps again carefully.
Now save your template
Step 7 the last step
Go to your layout to confirm your changes by navigating through the side bar.
Your layout should now look like this:
Since there’s now the add a gadget on our header section we will proceed to add header gadgets on our blog.
Follow the above instructions in our first condition on where there is the add gadget on header.
Ok. Click the add a gadget that we have just created to add a gadget on header. From the list of the gadgets select your desired gadget. Configure the gadget and save it.
Congratulations! You have successfully add hearder gadgets on blogger.
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