"> How to add a gadget on Blogger _ create and add a gadget anywhere - TGIV Blog

How to add a gadget on Blogger _ create and add a gadget anywhere

Do you want to add gadget somewhere on your blog but you can’t find “add a gadget”? Good news! You can create “add a gadget” anywhere on your blog after reading this post.

Definitely, there are some places that are obviously difficult to add a gadget on blogger.
The secret is from your blog’s HTML codes. Except for coders, you may go through your blog’s HTML codes more and more without finding where the issue is.
Therefore, this simple tutorial will guide you on “how to add a gadget on blogger.”
However if the place you want to add a gadget in your blog has the “add a gadget” option then you can simply go to your Blogger layout and add your gadget. In that case follow these simple steps:

How to add a gadget in Blogger

Step 1.Go to Blogger.com and signing to the blog you want to add a gadget

Step 2.Navigate to “Layout” tag from the side bar

Step 3.Click the “add a gadget”

Step 4.Select your needed gadget by clicking it

Step 5.Configure your gadget’s settings

Step 6.Save

But if you can’t find the “add a gadget” in the place you want, you can create it by going to:

How to add a Gadget where there is no “add a gadget”

Step 1. Go to Blogger.com and signing to the blog you want to add a gadget

Step 2.Navigate to “theme” tag

Step 3.Go to “Edit HTML”

Step 4.Go to the section you want to add a gadget

Step 5.Edit the HTML codes

Step 6.Then “save”

Not sure how to do that? Let’s keep going.
Read also how to change Favicon onÂblogger

Step 1. Go to Blogger.com and signing to the blog you want to add a gadget

Signing to blogger and choose the blog you want to add a gadget.
Go to the “layout” and choose where you want to add a gadget.
create add a gadget on the header
create add a gadget on the header


On this case I want to add a gadget on the header. But as you can see, there is no “add a gadget” there.

So let’s create one

Step 2.Navigate to “theme” tag

Navigate to “theme” tag


theme tag on how to add a gadget on blogger
theme tag on how to add a gadget on blogger


In the theme section, click the arrow beside “CUSTOMIZE”


how to add a gadget on blogger
how to add a gadget on blogger


A new window will pop up with a list.


edit HTML on how to add a gadget on blogger
edit HTML on how to add a gadget on blogger


Step 3.Go to “Edit HTML”

Select edit HTML and the HTML codes of your blog will appear. Like this:


HTML codes on Blogger
HTML codes on Blogger


Step 4.Go to the section you want to add a gadget

You can use ctrl-F to find the section you want to add a gadget or  Click the shortcut symbol at the top of the HTML codes.
The list of all your blog’s sections will pop up like this.


how to add a gadget on blogger
how to add a gadget on blogger


In my case I select “Header1”
The header’s codes will appear like the screenshot below.

Step 5.Edit the HTML codes


create add a gadget on blogger
create add a gadget on blogger


Let’s explain the steps on the picture above.
In the HTML codes you will see: (locked= “true”) edit it to (locked= “false”) the brackets are not included.
Edit (maxwidgets= “1”) to (maxwidgets= “2”) the brackets are not included.
You can edit the maxwidgets number to any number, depending on the number of gadgets you want to add in the section.
Edit (showaddelement= ‘no’) to (showaddelement= ‘yes”) brackets are not included.
Preview your changes before saving it to make sure that you didn’t remove or add anything else where in the codes.
If the preview was successful save the changes.

Step 6.Then “save”

Now we can go back to our layout and see the changes we make.


how to create add a gadget on blogger
how to create add a gadget on blogger


You can now add the gadget you want. If you don’t know how to add a gadget follow the above steps on how to add a gadget where there is add a gadget in your layout.
If you are not familiar with editing HTML codes make sure to download your blog before starting to edit the HTML codes.
You can do that by clicking backup on the theme section like this


backup your blog
backup your blog


I hope you can now follow the above lesson to create more add a gadget on you blogger blog.
If this post on how to add a gadget on blogger has help. Don’t forget to share it to someone who need it.
Again, give us your feedback by commenting below.

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