"> 3 best free offline blogger apps you should know - TGIV Blog

3 best free offline blogger apps you should know

 3 best free offline blogger apps you should try.

If you are a blogger with a blog that need constant publishing or editing and but you don’t have a good time to always connect to the internet or you are time that you always traveling or you are not in a good netword area. It ideal to try these 3 best free offline Blogger  apps

Offline apps help us to reduce data consumption and also speed up our content writing and edition. I will show you the best blogger offline apps you should try today.

    What do we mean by offline blogger apps

    Blogger apps are apps that help you to manage your blog without necessarily using the blogger webversion.

    When you login to the apps, the apps will sync to blogger and fetch all you pages, posts, comments and more depending on the app you use.

    And you can be able to write post, pages and publish them in the app and it will upload to your blog when you connect to the internet.

    How to verify Blogger blog on Yandex webmaster toolsÂ

    What are the 3 best free offline Blogger apps

    Here are the three best blogger offline apps  should try out.

    1. Blogger Pro

    Blogger Pro is my favorite offline blogger apps. It is super easy to use and very simple and effective.

    You can find the app on google play with the search term “blogger pro”

    The app has many features that I could not mention all here. But it is best for offline writing and editing.

    You can edit posts, pages and comments or add new posts and pages, insert links, images and videos without headache.

    The app has both free and premium versions. The free version is great trust me but the premium is greater though.

    If you don’t mind the free version can be enough for you. Since you can create pages, posts, edit comments, see statistics, add labels and more with the free version.

    But if you are the type that likes the premium feeling you can upgrade to the premium version. To enjoy more features like adding tables, HTML view, Color, and more

    2 Blogger

    This one is just the friend of Blogger pro. They share command feature. I may say blogger pro is a lite version of blogger.

    Just like Blogger pro, Blogger has features like creating and editing post, adding labels, and etc.

    It also has the switch feature from published posts to draft posts. You remove or add labels, add new post or edit the existing without connecting to the internet and sync them after connecting to the internet.

     But the above blogger pro display both draft pages and publish pages in the same row.

    3. Prime Blogger

    Some one may say why is prime blogger included. Yes it is important to mention prime blogger. It is the most advance blogger app I have used ever.

    Although it is not and free offline app but it provide features that even the blogger website does not have. Do you know what it is?


    Blogger prime have a sea plugin integrated to the app. When creating your posts or pages. You can check your posts or pages inpage SEO.

    The SEO plugin checks for keyword distribution and density, internal and external links, keyword length, mega description, word count and many more.

    This Plugin is a great bonus for you and 8t is available even in the free version.

    You can also do many things with the app. Like add content, edit comments, seeing statistics and lots more

    The advantages and disadvantages of Blogger platformÂ

    If you follow me H2H in this post you must have learn about my 3 best offline blogger apps in my list. This are apps I have tested and testified their pros and cons.

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